Have you enjoyed the summer, but now your skin suffers the consequences?

The sun, salt water and chlorine from the pool damage the epidermis to the point of dehydrating it and causing the appearance of redness, peeling, wrinkles and spots.

Here are some tips for after a day at the beach or pool:

1. When you get home, rinse with drinking water to remove chlorine, salt, and any excess sunscreen or tanner. Use a liquid or neutral soap that respects the PH (acidity level) of your skin.

2. Dry your body well and apply a generous layer of moisturizer.

3. To refresh the skin, prepare a chamomile infusion, let it cool in the refrigerator (not the freezer) and apply it with damp cloths to your face, shoulders and neck. Do not apply tea, because this drink stains the skin. Don't use ice either because it burns the skin.

4. Finally, put emphasis on taking care of your face. Use a cleansing cream according to your skin type (dry, oily or combination) to remove impurities and, then, apply a toning lotion that balances the acidity or PH of your skin (your face will restore its natural protection).

At Sacred Skin Bar, we use a combination of cosmetic formulas that repair sun damage. Visit us and renew once your continued exposure to the sun is over.



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