Medical Sacred Ear Lobe Remodeling

The use of hyaluronic acid as a filler or volume restorer also reaches the earlobe.

The earlobe loses volume with age, and sometimes tears from the use and abuse of earrings. When it is torn, the only solution is surgical reconstruction; That is, it involves sewing the torn lobe and making a new hole.

On other occasions, the earrings do not fit well, and the lobe looks hanging and elongated even though the earring hole is in correct condition. This happens because the tissue in the lobe has thinned and become very fine. It is in this case when lobe fillers are indicated. By filling in the lobe, it appears more plump, more youthful and the earrings remain well placed.

The procedure is simple and practically painless, since the filling is performed with a very fine needle, and the product contains a small amount of anesthesia that makes the treatment very comfortable. The results last more than a year. After this time, a touch-up should be done.

We have achieved the best results with Hydryalix Gentle, due to the elasticity of hyaluronic acid and its long duration.

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