!!!!SHIFT TO ALKALINE ENERGY!!!!!!!!!!!Article in the Newspaper about alkalinity as a key to health and well-being

“Maintaining pH balance is key to health and well-being”. This is the title with which an interesting article about alkalinity begins in El Periódico, a prestigious newspaper in Spain. It talks about everything that involves alkalinity and its 4 Pillars, with references from researchers who support it and with advice and suggestions in this regard. Below we will summarize the highlights of the article for all those who could not enjoy it.


The human body moves in an acidic-alkaline pH dichotomy, as noted in 1937 by the discoverer of vitamin C and Nobel Prize winner, Albert Szent Györgyi:

The body is alkaline by design, but its functions and metabolism are acidifying

It referred to the fact that all the body's metabolic processes constantly produce enormous amounts of acid that must be eliminated through urine, sweat, breathing and defecation. And at the same time, in order to function properly, all cells and tissues need an alkaline environment that must be obtained from: alkalizing foods, abundant water rich in minerals and negative ions, and pure air rich in oxygen. Due to human biochemistry it is easier to become acidic than alkaline sinceComprobar los nivelese to compensate for one molecule of acid, 20 molecules with an alkalizing effect are necessary.

According to Alkaline Care, a pioneer company and reference in alkalinity in Spain, excess acid is produced not only by the body's own metabolic functions, but also by an imbalance in the Western diet and lifestyle that generates overacidification of cells, tissues and organs.

VICIOUS CIRCLE. The blood is always maintained at a pH of 7.365 and 7.4. The body will do whatever is necessary to maintain the pH of the blood in its natural alkaline state and, to do so, if it cannot eliminate toxins normally through the skin, kidneys, lungs and intestines, it will look for mechanisms such as accumulating it in the tissues. Then the lymphatic system will try to eliminate them from there, throwing them back into the blood, creating a vicious cycle that can end up causing serious health problems, from loss of energy, irritation or congestion to serious diseases such as diabetes and cancer.

ALKALINE POWER. Specialists assure that the best way to act against the acid-alkaline imbalance is by applying four simple pillars: nutrition, hydration, remineralization and detoxification of the body. Which translates into eating properly, drinking enough alkaline water, regularly replacing the minerals we lose and periodically cleansing the body of toxic acids. Foods with a greater alkalizing power are basically vegetables and especially green leafy ones, as well as legumes, seeds and nuts. Another relevant issue in the diet is to replace refined table salt with more natural ones free of chemical additives.

The ideal thing to maintain balance is that 80% of the foods in the diet are alkalizing and that 20% are not so alkalizing, but healthy. Likewise, it is recommended to eat plenty of raw foods and, to a lesser extent, healthy cooked foods. For those people who are not used to eating raw foods, it is recommended to make the transition gradually to adapt to new eating habits.

Hábitos alimenticiosACCESSORIES. In addition to an alkaline diet, there are natural alkalizing food supplements that help balance the body's pH. The main mineral salts are calcium, potassium, magnesium and sodium. These are found naturally in the body, but are consumed quickly to combat excess acid if the body does not have other alkalizing resources. pHour Salts It is a food supplement that contains these four natural salts and helps remineralize the body by counteracting acidity.

Another way to administer the alkaline resources it needs to the body is through water. You can get alkaline water loaded with negative ions by adding a few drops of an aqueous solution with mineral salts, such as PuripHy. Both products are sold Alkaline Care.

As stated in a study carried out in 2009 by the University of Cambridge published in the British journal of nutrition British Journal of Nutrition:

The available research convincingly demonstrates that diet-induced acidosis is a real phenomenon, and that it has a significant long-term clinical pathophysiological effect, which should be recognized and potentially counteracted by dietary means.

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