The objective of the technique is to eliminate the most superficial layers with cellular stimulation and regulate the PH of the skin.
The treatment consists of eliminating the most superficial layers of the skin, producing an increase in circulation and oxygenation, as well as a superficial micropeeling in layers, which is obtained by producing a slight burn and consequent re-epithelialization.
The objective of the technique is to eliminate the most superficial layers of the skin with a neodymium laser that stimulates the skin and extracts dead cells.
The treatment consists of eliminating the most superficial layers of the skin with passes of different intensities of light, producing an increase in circulation and oxygenation, as well as a superficial micropeeling in layers, which is obtained by producing a slight burn and consequent re-epithelialization.
The objective of the technique is to eliminate the most superficial layers with cellular stimulation and regulate the PH of the skin.
The treatment consists of eliminating the most superficial layers of the skin, producing an increase in circulation and oxygenation, as well as a superficial micropeeling in layers, which is obtained by producing a slight burn and consequent re-epithelialization.
The treatment consists of performing intradermal micro-perforations of small amounts of different substances that vary depending on the problem you wish to treat.
Redness, swelling or stinging, burning and crusting of the skin. These symptoms often occur around the punctures, which can normally take a few hours or a day to disappear. The feeling of discomfort is also common depending on the area to be treated and personal sensitivity.
Skin scab. You should take care that the healing process is not accelerated, taking care that it is not over-hydrated, sweating or soaking, allowing it to come off on its own over the days.
Allergic reactions. Local allergic reactions to agents used with MICROENDING-DERMAPEN-ENIPITSU have been described. The possibility of these reactions or hypersensitivity arising is the same as if another route of administration were used.
Infection. It is not very common but bacterial or viral infections can occur. Until 48 hours have passed, you should not go to saunas, swimming pools or play sports, to avoid contamination of the piercings. If you also have a history of herpes simplex virus infections in the treated area, it is possible that an infection could occur after treatment. It is also advisable not to use makeup until 24 hours after the micro piercing.
Color change. There is a possibility that pigmentation may appear in the treatment area, especially if there is sun exposure or UV lamps after treatment.
o The techniques are indicated for superficial scars, pigmentation, wrinkles and any process that affects the epidermis. The Professional has explained to me that to obtain better results, it may be advisable to repeat or combine treatment.
o I understand that despite the appropriate choice of the technique and its correct execution, side effects may occur such as burning, stinging, erythema, mild peeling, mild burn, acneicoform eruptions, skin crust, hyper or hypopigmentation in the treated area that with the correct treatment are temporary.
o Absence of permanent results. Micro piercing or other skin treatments may not completely improve or prevent future skin wrinkling. No technique can reverse the signs of aging; you may need to continue a skin maintenance program after such a procedure.
o Poor result. There is a possibility of a poor result with this procedure, cosmetics is not an exact science and although good results are expected, there is no explicit guarantee on the results that can be obtained.
The Professional has warned me, expressly prohibiting me, that I should not expose myself to the sun or UVA after each session, as well as the mandatory use of daily SPF 50 sun protection for at least a month after the treatment. He warns me that I should not do physical sports activities, it is advisable not to use makeup until 24 hours after the micro-piercing and not to go to saunas or swimming pools for at least 48 hours, since they can produce an accelerated peeling process or even a slight infection. He has also warned me that it is important to know my personal history of possible drug allergies, current medications, history of facial herpes simplex, personal or family history of keloids or any other circumstance.
Other risks or complications that may appear taking into account my personal circumstances, previous state of health, age, profession, sport, beliefs, etc.