Photoepilation is a term that encompasses all ways to permanently remove hair using light sources (from the Greek, “Phos”, light). There are various ways to remove hair permanently but the most used are Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) or laser light sources. We explain what they are:

Nd: YAG. It is characterized by using a wavelength of continuous light greater than theyag of the Alexandrite laser or the Diode. Penetrates the skin 1064 nm. This longer wavelength makes laser treatments safer for people with darker skin tones.

With this equipment we can program various treatments, such as removal of tattoos, blemishes, spider veins, ruby points and non-homogeneous epidermal lesions with coloration like birthmarks.


Alexandrite Laser. The Alexandrite laser uses a continuous wavelength of laser light that penetrates the skin to a depth of 755 nano millimeters. This type of laser is best suited for those with lighter skin tones and darker hair tones. Since people with a darker skin tone and a demand for more sessions run the risk of depigmenting the skin since it destroys melanin in the hair and skin, this would lead to the treated area remaining white in summer with sun exposure. does not act on the melanin destroyed by the laser.

Diode laser. The diode laser has a longer wavelength than the Alexandrite laser and is more suitable for people with medium skin tones. It has a penetration depth of 810 nm. Diode lasers have the ability to treat tanned skin, which is very good for people with darker skin or when summer is already advanced and you have managed to go tan.

Diode laser hair removal warnings:

Advantages of IPL+RF technologyipl

IPL+RF technology is the most modern and advanced that exists today, and its advantages over other hair removal treatments are many and important.

Photoepilation with IPL pulsed light + RF radio frequencyIn addition to being less painful, more comfortable and faster, it is the most economical in the long run. In addition, it does not harm the skin, but rather causes great benefits by evening out its tone and providing luminosity and a younger, healthier appearance.

Unlike laser hair removal, IPL intense pulsed light allows you to select the most appropriate wavelength for each skin color, hair color and follicle depth of each patient selected through a sapphire crystal with five margins of transparency, being able to direct the energy of the Laser light to very deep areas, medium areas and very superficial areas, achieving great effectiveness in most cases.

To this we must add the great advantage offered by RF radiofrequency, which, by not basing its principle of action on color, is very effective for light-colored hair and safer for dark or tanned skin, which has many important advantages. about laser hair removal:

It is a permanent hair removal that is carried out in several sessions and progressively. IPL photoepilation with pulsed light consists of the application of an intense light whose wavelength can be adjusted to affect a single, specific color. The cells containing that color absorb light radiation and are destroyed by heating. In the case of IPL photoepilation, it is the hair that absorbs the heat and transmits it to the hair follicle, causing its destruction and preventing it from growing again.

When this effect of IPL Pulsed Light is combined with RF Radio Frequency, much more effective results are achieved, even in cases of difficult solution such as dark or tanned skin and light hair.

And if you want to show off a perfect hair removal this summer, come to our center and enjoy our hair removal promotion:





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