The skin of the upper and lower eyelids loses its elasticity over time, giving way to the first wrinkles, spots, and the well-known crow's feet form in the outer corner of the eye.
The eye contour is one of the most requested areas of our face. To give you an idea, we blink about 10 times a minute, not to mention how our expressions affect the eye area: laugh, smile, cry. Other factors such as smoking and exposing your skin to the sun also take their share of the blame, endangering an area that is already very sensitive.


To prevent premature aging, you should incorporate a series of routines that will help you pamper and take better care of this delicate area:

• Choose a suitable cream for this area. There are dozens of products on the market to prevent eye wrinkles. These are creams that contain elastin or retinol, ingredients that will improve the firmness of the contour. Be careful, they are not creams that will help you eliminate the wrinkles you already have.

• Wear sunglasses and sunscreen even if winter is coming. This accessory, which never goes out of style, prevents the appearance of wrinkles around the area, helping you not to constantly strain your eyes.

• Take care of your diet and actively focus on a healthy life. Excesses and bad eating habits take their toll in the long run and make our skin look aged and dull. Carrots, citrus fruits or tomatoes are foods that will help you improve the appearance of your skin.

• Don't forget the warrior's rest. Sleeping and resting will help you prevent dark circles, bags and other wrinkles.

• Remove makeup with products recommended for the eye contour area. Use gentle movements to avoid premature wrinkle formation. Don't be lazy and do it before going to bed.

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