biomagnetismoThe efficiency of Biomagnetism developed by Dr. Isaac Goiz Durán from Mexico, is based on the discovery of the concept of the "Biomagnetic Pair", that is, a set of pairs of points in the body that have accumulated excess electrical charges, which produce there the formation of positive and negative magnetic poles similar to that of the magnet, which in turn determine distortions of the chemical pH towards acidity or alkalinity respectively in said poles.

They greatly favor the proliferation of different species of viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites, which if These imbalances of electrical charges with their consequent acid-base alterations, synchronizing between them in a very special way, produce the vast majority of serious human diseases. .

 Through a complete bioenergetic tracking of all the patient's possible biomagnetic pairs, the therapist discovers those pairs that are infected or in dysfunction, then places common magnets of power greater than 1000 Gauss, with the appropriate polarity on these points, pushing the excess of positive charges against the negative ones that end up neutralizing each other, so that the pH tends to balance in a healthy organism. This is what Dr. Goiz has called the Normal Equilibrium Level (NEN).

Consequently, when those pairs that support microorganisms or are in dysfunction are impacted, the organism is brought to an optimal state of balance that produces a very inhospitable environment for these pathogenic microbes, which cannot continue reproducing and perish in very short periods of time. .


It is evident that by providing us with an exact map of these pairs of points on the body, Dr. Goiz with his Biomagnetism leaves no room for speculation about the possible location of the magnet. Furthermore, he tells us precisely the name of the pathogenic microorganism that is located in this or that pair. This knowledge and the peculiar testing method allow the unusual fact of being able to recognize, in a first session, diseases that only the patient knew they had through previous examinations.

Dr. Goiz also discovered that, in most diseases, microbes, by possessing DNA, communicate intelligently at a distance through electromagnetic waves that carry specific information, through which these germs establish certain alliances that enhance and strengthen them against the attack. of the human immune system. The positioning of the powerful magnets at the key points that constitute the biomagnetic pairs produces great interference in said communication between microorganisms.

 Both effects, the neutrality of the pH and the interruption of communication between microbes, cause serious problems for their survival and are extinguished in very short periods of time, thus causing notable improvements in the patient.

 But in addition to this antimicrobial capacity, which in the case of viruses is decisive, Biomagnetism tends to balance endocrine glands, detoxify the body and produce a notable positive effect on the patient's emotional area.

 Therefore, with Biomagnetism, a wide range of different physical and emotional ailments can be treated, achieving higher percentages of improvement compared to other methods, especially in complex and chronic diseases where this technique manages to unravel their mysterious origin. Even some diseases supposedly incurable by official medicine, have greater chances of relief in different proportions with Biomagnetism.

 Consequently, this technique is very simple but at the same time very efficient, minimally invasive and without the harmful side effects of drugs. It does not require electricity or the patient to undress, since the magnets are placed on clothing.

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