
Acupuncture stimulates the body's ability to resist or overcome diseases or conditions by correcting imbalances. Acupuncture also helps the body produce chemicals that decrease or eliminate painful sensations.

Its treatment is very simple and in no way painful, contrary to what many may think, since the acupuncturist inserts the needles in exact points depending on the organ or system affected, and not always with the same depth since this depends on the severity of the condition.

It is a very efficient method, with which very satisfactory results are obtained.

Lung channel (Taiyin hand) Pathological symptoms: feeling of fullness in the chest, hemoptysis, sore throat, cold, sensation in shoulders and back, pain along the path of the channel

Large intestine canal (Yangtaing hand) Pathological symptoms: abdominal pain, flushing, cough, dysentery, sore throat, epistaxis, pain along the canal

Stomach channel (Yangming foot) Pathological symptoms: abdominal swelling, dizziness, vomiting, paralysis of the face, pain along the channel such as in the chest or in manic forms, etc.

Spleen channel (Taiyin foot): Pathological symptoms: tongue stiffness and pain, abdominal pain and swelling, vomiting, jaundice, general weakness, heaviness throughout the body, pain and swelling along the channel.

Heart channel (Shaoyin hand): Pathological symptoms. dry throat, pain in the abdomen. thirst, jaundice, increased hand temperature and pain along the canal.

Small intestine canal Pathological symptoms: pain in the lower part of the canal, jaundice, swelling of the cheek, sore throat and canal pain.

Bladder canal (Taiyang foot) Pathological symptoms: urine retention, enuresis, headache, eye diseases, pain along the back, in the neck, in the lumbar region

Kidney canal: Pathological symptoms: hemoptysis, dyspnea, dry throat, lumbago, edema, constipation, diarrhea and muscle atrophy of the lower extremities, contracture of the sole of the foot and pain along this canal

Pericardium-sexuality channel (Jueyin hand): Pathological symptoms: angina pectoris, feeling of fullness in the chest, palpitations, irritability, agitation, manic states, spasms and contractions of the elbow and arm, high temperature, pain along the channel.

Triple Reheater Channel, Pathological symptoms: abdominal swelling, edema, deafness, ringing, sore throat, swelling of the cheeks, localized pain in the posterior auricular region, in the skin, in the arm, and in the lateral part of the elbow, etc. .

Liver canal (Jueyin foot) : Pathological symptoms: lumbago, feeling of fullness in the chest, enuresis, urine retention, hernia, pain in the lower abdomen.

Gallbladder channel (Shaoyang) Pathological symptoms: bitter taste in the mouth, pain in the submandibular region, pain in the external canthus, ringing and pain along the course of this channel.

acupunturacincoelementosThere are certain acupuncture points that reflect the ailment of a particular organ and that have been recognized by Western medicine, such as Murphy's point, located under the right costal margin, whose increased sensitivity reveals a liver disorder; Pain at the tip of the right shoulder blade warns of a gallbladder condition, pain in the lower back in relation to the twelfth rib occurs in kidney conditions, etc. There are pains that occur at a great distance from the ailment, such as "tennis elbow", which is a tender point on the elbow that corresponds to a much deeper disorder in the large intestine.

To these disorders we include emotions

 GONNA ,rules the  LIVER AND BLADDER and its symptoms are nightmares, impotence, dry eyes, discomfort in tendons, muscles, nails, and teeth, IT IS the one who decides to ADVANCE, ACT, OR WAIT.

HAPPINESS, is manifested from  HEART AND SMALL INTESTINE  Its symptoms are sociability and expression. The affected organs are the tongue and blood and lymphatic vessels.

ANXIETY, manifests itself in  STOMACH AND MOUTH, its symptoms in compassion and the tissues it affects are MOUTH, LIPS, MUSCLES, SUBCUTENEOUS TISSUES

MELANCHOLIA, manifest themselves in LUNG AND LARGE INTESTINE, symptoms manifest in the NOSE, SKIN and INCREASE IN HAIR, these being melancholy, anguish, changes and nostalgia

FEAR, governs KIDNEY and BLADDER, the symptoms affect the ear and ear, bone weakness, hair loss, the symptoms are courage to confront and the unknown

affected organ or system, and not always with the same depth since this depends on the severity of the condition.

It is a very efficient method, with which very satisfactory results are obtained in a relatively short period, without causing complications or side effects. Of course, it is important to always be treated by specialized medical personnel.

 Finally, mention how essential it is to obtain good results, the collaboration of the patient, since the same treatment can vary in its results, if there is not a great predisposition on the patient's part to collaborate.

in a relatively short period, not entailing complications or side effects. Of course, it is important to always be treated by specialized personnel.



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