The average age of initiation for this type of medical-aesthetic treatments has decreased slightly and is currently between 30 and 40 years. However, many people wait until much later to start combating the effects of aging, when they are already very visible.

Skin aging is a cumulative process in which different factors intervene. Mainly, photoaging of the skin due to sun exposure, oxidative stress caused by pollution and/or inadequate nutrition, decreased natural collagen production in the skin, etc. The more advanced this process is, the more difficult it is to reverse its effects because the skin has less recovery capacity.

The sooner we start appropriate treatments, the more effective and lasting their effects will be. For example, from the age of 25 it is very appropriate to start aesthetic medicine treatments which can prevent the appearance of deep furrows or wrinkles on the skin.

The most popular treatments for each age group

20-30 years: Fillers with hyaluronic acid and Botulinum Toxin

30-40 years: Facial, hair and body treatments

+40 years: Anti-aging treatments

In this sense, treatments such as the application of Botulinum toxin (botox) either hyaluronic acid, he chemical peel to exfoliate and renew the skin, the platelet rich plasma or PRP to revitalize skin and scalp, etc. If there are also localized problems, such as skin spots or fat deposits, we can resort to localized treatments such as laser wave radio frequency for disposal.

And, of course, in any of these age groups, cosmetic surgery treatments are available that allow us to address aspects that go beyond simple aging, such as breast, abdomen or buttock surgery, the eyelid, ear, or double chin surgery, as well as the liposculpture and other advanced and very effective techniques.

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